VLOG Communication Skills That Build Relationships
by Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SI have been doing a lot of work around boundary setting and improving communication in my practice lately. I thought I might share some tips I regularly give to my clients to improve communication and build relationship ...
VLOG- You are allowed to feel stressed, anxious, or depressed right now.
By Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SAre you feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed right now? Well, you have every right to feel that way. It is a good habit to reflect on all the things you have and not ruminate on all the things going wrong, to keep yo ...
VLOG- How Self Quarantine Impacts Family Life
By Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SIt is important to acknowledge the impact the current covid-19 pandemic situation has had on our home lives and relationships with our families. Many people are experiencing stress for different reasons and are expressi ...
VLOG- 7 Tips for Mental Wellness During the Covid-19 Pandemic
By Dr. Aimee VaughnAre you feeling stressed and overwhelmed because of the Covid-19 pandemic? You are not alone my friends. I have had several people ask about suggestions for dealing with the stress of the situation, so I decided to put togethe ...
COVID-19 Mental Health Effects and What You Can Do About It
by Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SYou can't scroll through the news or social media outlets without being bombarded by the news about COVID-19. Most of us are feeling the effects of the lifestyle changes that have rapidly taken place.Why are people ...
How to Choose a Therapist
by Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SChoosing a therapist can be intimidating because there are so many out there but you want to find the one that is the best fit for you. Maybe you have even had a bad experience in the past and that left you feeling more ...
Moral Injury: The War Between Values and Actions
By- Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SMany of you know that I have spent the last year and change researching moral injury in veterans and the impact of learning about moral injury on clinicians who work with veterans. Today I want to start by just introdu ...
New Year, New You?
Tips for New Year Resolution SuccessBy Dr. Aimee VaughnEvery January gym memberships soar, health foods are purchased, cigarettes are thrown out, financial savings plans are made, family time is instituted, and stress management strategies ...
Gratitude: A practice, not a season!
The holiday season often brings out the inner generosity of people; you may have even been on the receiving end of those gestures. Whether it be a cup of coffee at Starbucks, letting you skip ahead in the grocery line, or a loved one making ...
Self-Care: A Process That Works
By Dr. Aimee Vaughn LPCC-SSelf-care is a buzzword flying around to describe things we do for ourselves in order to ensure our well-being in a high stress world. While a bath bomb, an evening with a good book, or splurging on something spec ...