Guidestar also offers a wide variety of customized consulting services.  Guidestar’s consulting services are NOT counseling sessions and instead focus on building skills for clients to reach their peak performance.  Depending on your location, these sessions may be conducted in person or online.

Executive Leadership Development

It can be lonely up top!  Professionally and academically I have studied the different styles of leadership. I have helped military and civilian leaders develop personal and professional plans to achieve goals of self-improvement and develop strategies to enhance the personal and team performance and productivity.  Whether you feel stuck and need tools to improve your performance, or you already are performing well but want to reach that next level, I can create customized plans to meet your needs.

Office Space

Professional Development for Individuals or Staff

Many professional jobs require working with the members of the public to help them meet their goals.  Unfortunately, many educational programs fail to teach the psychological components to performance.  Many professionals can benefit from classes that teach about mindset, building motivation, challenging fears and negative self talk, communication skills, and self-regulation to improve their understanding of the people with whom they work and to develop strategies to enhance their engagements with their clients.  I provide professional development training to physical therapists, coaching staff, and health and wellness trainers, just to name a few.

Consulting Rates: Variable

It takes time to build a curriculum.  I would want to gather the most relevant research to your specific field to ensure that we can target the most important performance aspects to meet your needs.  Cost would depend on the depth of the research required and type of training/intervention required.  In these cases, we could meet for a free consult and I would build a proposal based on your request and the time I would need to spend creating your content. As mentioned before, Guidestar does not subscribe to a cookie cutter approach, so when you work with us, you are getting a tailored product just for you.